Not Enough Time
March 5 , 2008
Not Enough Time
March 5 , 2008
It has been interesting to note this year that a frequent subject of conversation between the residents here in Bentsen Grove while similar has a rather different flavor than it was last year. During the winter of 2006-2007 I would hear people talking about how much snow there was where their summer home was located. There were many that would talk about several feet of snow being reported to them by their neighbors. This year there has not been so much talk about the depth of snow but there has been more talk about the cold temperatures in the northern states. Not once have I heard anyone saying that they would rather be in the cold temperatures instead of being in Texas. We have had many days in the seventies and eighties and some that were very close to one hundred degrees. I will admit that the real hot days are a bit higher than we really would like to have, but on the other hand it is a whole lot better than temperatures below freezing.
We enjoy going to see the evening gathering of another kind of Winter Texan. There is a certain intersection in Mission that these small green parrots or “Green Parakeets” gather every evening. This is a Mexican variety that is only found in the USA in the extreme south. There are several hundred that use the intersection as a staging area before they select their tree for the nights roost. When they are together there is such a cacophony of chirps, squeals and chatter that it is actually hard on the ears. When we have gone to see them before we had been unsure of where they spent the night. By following the general flight of several groups of the birds we determined that there was a single row of trees where most would spent the night. Even after dark the birds were making so much noise in the trees that ear plugs would have been nice. We speculated that a lot of noise would continue through all the night because of the adjacent lights. We were mostly wrong in that guess. We went to eat a few blocks away from the trees. After we finished eating we drove back to the trees and there was almost no sounds coming from the birds. As we looked into the trees we could see that at least some were watching us. The antics of the parakeets is so much fun to watch. They often hang upside down or hang by one foot and tussle with each other. Another thing that is very interesting is that in many areas, including this intersection, the Great Tailed Grackle gather by the thousands. It is as if there is a signal that is sent out and large flocks of Grackles will fly in to land on the power lines. The lines will get so filled that there is barely room for another bird to land. Then just as the darkness gets to a certain level the lines will quickly become bare as they all leave the open and head for shelter in the trees for the night. It is really quite a pleasure to be in the area and watch what happens.
I have mentioned that Erma and I have been doing line dancing. This is not all the group but it is the most of them. We have danced in front of the residents of the the RV Resort and also we have gone to a local adult day care center and danced for the residents there. Last year Erma started taking the line dancing classes and I stayed home to work on the computer or do other things. One day I went to take some pictures of Erma doing the dances. Just for fun Erma suggested that I make a calendar with pictures of the dancers. I did and it was fun to make. Then the instructor, Roger, asked me if I could burn some songs to a CD so that people in the class could have music to practice with at home. I had never done anything like that but I was willing to try. I was able to do it easily and I made something like thirty copies of the music. Next I was asked if I could take a picture of the class so that they could have a “Class Picture.” Of course I could do that and also make prints for the class members on my printer at home. I enjoy doing new things with the camera and the computer, and these were all new things that were based on skills that I had used in the past, but had not used just that way. This all seemed innocent enough and also it seemed like a nice thing to do for other people. What I did not know was that it was also a hook to get me into the class to learn how to line dance. Almost before I knew it I was trying to learn the steps. Roger even came over to where I was playing ping-pong and gave me individual instruction to help me get caught up. I did not catch up in three weeks to the point that Erma had gotten in a bit over two months but that was not because Roger did not do all he could do for me. This year I have learned a lot and Erma has really gotten good. I have had several different emotions about taking the class. They have alternated between, “What am I doing here? and “This is rather fun.” A lot of it has to do with how well I was able to learn the dance steps and how tired I was. This year I have made more music CDs, another calendar and have printed off a bunch of “class pictures.” Here again I was able to use my camera in a way that I had only played with until now. I set up the camera to take a picture every few seconds until it had taken ten pictures, and then had it take another ten pictures. That is one of the reasons that I am on the front row with Erma and Helen. I had to set the camera and then get into position for the pictures. The first picture in each series was of my back I could not get set before the first picture was taken. Out of the other eighteen pictures I was able to select the very best. Helen does not dance but she enjoys watching the class and I think that the other people think of her as a part of the class. There were several that said she had to be included in the picture and Roger bought the shirt that she is wearing. I think that we will dance a couple more times at the day care center and most likely at least once more at the the park general meeting.
There have been several people that have come down here to Bentsen Grove to spend a month and then have said to us that it was not enough time. Next year they are planning to come back for a longer time. It is funny how this place has the ability to draw people into the activities and new friendships. I have met several people that came for a week and have returned for ten or twenty years, even buying a permanent structure. I never expected to see people buying different homes within a park and moving around like they do. While it works well for them I really cannot see myself ever doing that, all these people have summer homes. I don't have a home that does not have wheels or a steering wheel.
The way that things have worked out here in Mission we have not gone to the local parks as often as we thought we would or even should. However the few times that we have gone to a park has been rewarding. These Green Jays were two of about eight that had gathered to snatch a free meal from a couple having a picnic. The couple said they were reminded of the scenes from Alfred Hitchcock's, The Birds. This park is just across the river from Mexico. It is a bit strange to stand on the river bank and know that on the other side, a very short distance away, is a different country. There are boat ramps on both sides of the river and fishermen that wade out into the river from both sides. On the Mexican side it appears that there is a large park similar to the US side. One thing I have not seen is any personnel from the border patrol, at least none that I was sure about. But I bet there were some not far away.
Till Later, This Is Doug Of
Peace On The Road
Peace On The Road
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